junhee 2021. 2. 1. 16:40


TUFFLEX? Tufflex is a water curing polyurethane resin. It is odorless and free of harmful organic solvents. The physical & chemical properties of Tufflex are far above its solvent based competitors'.


· TUFFLEX What is it?


  • Eco-friendly polyurethane resin - uses water as a curing agent (up to 40%)
  • No toluene, No organic thinner, No heavy metals, No formaldehyde, No odor
  • Catalyst can be added (up to 0.3%) to shorten curing time
  • Can be applied on damp surface
  • Once mixed with water, it cures far below zero degree Celsius
  • Unlimited thickness with one application
  • Used for waterproofing of floor, roof, deck, and more
  • Animal habitat floor, ship deck, play ground, jogging track and more
  • Excellent bonding strength to concrete - good for concrete repair
  • Cheap fillers (sand, fly ash, rubber powder, cork, small aggregates,....) can be added





· TUFFLEX  - Why is it so special?



How to mix? What to mix with?


· How to mix?

1. Pre-mixing

  • After opening the container, agitate slowly (400~500 rpm) for 1 minute
  • Add catalyst if needed
  • Avoid any air entrapment


2. Inter-Mixing

  • Add fillers like T-Power, T-Sealant Power, sand, rubber granule, etc
  • Curing process is not yet started
  • Make sure no powder lump is found
  • Avoid any air entrapment


3. Final-Mixing

  • Add water and agitate
  • Slow agitation (400~500 rpm)
  • Curing is now started
  • Water is not easily seen. Make sure it is completely disappear


· What to mix with?


 Total weight(denesity) 15kg
Applicable area 14.5m2 (T=1mm)   7.3m2 (T=2mm)  4.8m2 (T=3mm)

° Most basic mixing ingredient

° Similar to general solvent based polyurethane waterproofing products

° Meets KS F 3211 standard

° TUFFLEX contains absoutely necessary ingredients only





 Total weight(denesity) 19.2kg (1.18)
Applicable area 16.2m2 (T=1mm)   8.1m2 (T=2mm)  5.4m2 (T=3mm)

° For most general applications

° Almost same as solvent based polyurethance resin but slightly higher viscosity

° Meet KS F 3211 standard

° T-powder contains ingredients for reducing bubbles and some other improvements (light gray color)




 Total weight(denesity) 31.2kg (1.40)
Applicable area 7.4m2 (T=3mm)   5.5m2 (T=4mm)  4.4m2 (T=5mm)

° Good self leveling and perfect for rough surface

° Sand #5 (20~30 mesh) tends to dive down to the bottom

° Above sand mixture combination is just one example and users can make their own fomulations for their specific needs

° It is strongly recommended that users prepare a larger mixing container since the volume of sand is quite big



 Total weight(denesity) 44.4kg (1.40)
Applicable area 8.6m2 (T=3mm)   6.4m2 (T=4mm)  5.1m2 (T=5mm)

° Self leveling is under control and perfect for rough surface

° Sand #5 (20~30 mesh) tends to dive down to the bottom

° Above sand mixture combination is just one example and users can make their own fomulations for their specific needs

° It is strongly recommended that users prepare a larger mixing container since the volume of sand is quite big



 Total weight(denesity) 19.8kg (1.08)
Applicable area 9m2 (T=2mm)   6m2 (T=3mm) 


° The size of cork granule is 0.5~1mm and the density is very low so 95% of cork granule should float up to the surface and form non-slippery surface

° Above sand mixture combination is just one example and  users can make their own fomulations for their specific needs

° It is strongly recommended that users prepare a larger mixing container since the volume of cork granule is quite big


 Total weight(denesity) 18.4kg (0.87)
Applicable area 10m2 (T=2mm)   7m2 (T=3mm)  

° W-powder (powder for vertical wall applicatin of thickness of 2~3mm) is composed of   rubber powder, non flowing agent and some other inorganic powder

° Above mixing combination is just one example and users can make their own      formulations for their specific needs

° It is strongly recommended that users prepare a larger mixing container since the  volume of T-powder is quite big





Job sites



Tufflex E-Catalog - Job Sites

Waterproofing rooftops Tufflex mixed with sand (1 : 1.5 by weight) to give 5mm thickness and toughness. Topcoat was applied after testing 15cm height water leaking test for a week.



All done with tufflex
